Solutions for a healthy life

Brain Gym 101 is the foundations of Educational Kinesiology. Development began over thirty years ago and has grown to encompass over 50 different courses assisting learning and stress related learning challenges at home, in the class room or university, sports arenas and the business world. 

To become a certified Brain Gym Instructor you study a number of these related fields.

Over 30 years research by its founder, Paul Dennison PhD, an educator from the U.S. who pioneered reading clinics which used movement and vision training. Today, Educational Kinesiology explores life skills as well as academic skills and can be used to improve functioning in all areas of life.

Educational Kinesiology can help you to:

•improve your learning skills-speaking, listening, reading, writing and maths

•increase concentration and memory

•enhance your self esteem

•improve physical co-ordination for movement, sport, dance and music

  1. plan and achieve goals for all areas of you life

  2. learn techniques for releasing tension and stress

Educational Kinesiology Courses
Educational Kinesiology - Brain Gym ® offers a structured training programme which may be used as an exciting career opportunity or for personal development, or both. The programme leads to certification as an Educational Kinesiology - Brain Gym ® Consultant and Instructor. It offers a thorough basic grounding in Brain Gym ® for those wishing to integrate Brain Gym ® techniques into a wide range of work contexts - such as education, physical and mental health, performing arts, business or family life. The training programme, in conjunction with case study and project work.

So... why not ‘switch on your brain for optimal learning!’

Please see Courses page for current details.


Educational Kinesiology

Copyright (c) reserved by Life Works Centre  April 2009